Ref. 30:
This reference is to an article in WikiAnswers about why Germany did not invade Sweden in World War II. However, even though we invoked a foreign policy of “neutrality”, we nevertheless continued to supply Germany with precious iron ore, so important for Hitler’s buildup of his armed forces. We also assisted Hitler in his occupation of Norway. Among the Swedish generals and the Swedish royalty, many were great admirers of Hitler. Later in the war, when the winds turned, we sided with the Allied Forces. When the Allied Forces started flying bomb raids from England over Germany, they were even allowed to do emergency landings in the south part of Sweden on their way back to England. So, it’s very much part of our Swedish heritage and character to avoid confrontation. Today this is evident in the unwillingness among most Swedes to resist the RFSL onslaught of sodomy in our schools and elsewhere.
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