pre-ref 6  

Ref. 6:
These are the results (in English) from an extensive study on the higher suicide risk among adolescent homosexuals.  It was performed by the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, USA.  Translated into your language it reads (in part):

All males (n = 212) and females (n = 182) who described themselves as bisexual/homosexual were compared with 336 gender-matched heterosexual respondents on three outcome measures: suicidal ideation, intent, and self-reported attempts. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine the association between sexual orientation and outcome measures with adjustment for demographic characteristics. RESULTS: Suicide attempts were reported by 28.1 % of bisexual/homosexual males, 20.5% of bisexual/homosexual females, 14.5% of heterosexual females, and 4.2% of heterosexual males…… CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence of a strong association between suicide risk and bisexuality or homosexuality in males.

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