pre-ref 18  

Ref. 18:
This reference (in Swedish) is to an interview in The World Today (Sw. ‘Världen idag’) of  Lars Ahlin, Chairman of the Swedish Society of Psychologist.   He is talking about the new law which facilitates for lesbian partners to be impregnated.  The argument (about children who are deprived of both a mother and a father while growing up) is of course equally relevant for homo adoptions.  Translated into your language it reads (in part):

A total lack of understanding of the child’s need
The Swedish Society of Psychologists about the right to artificial insemination:

Among the many critical voices against the government’s proposal to allow so-called assisted conception for homosexual women we find the Swedish Society of Psychologists.  The Society declares in their written opinion: ‘The proposed statute shows a complete lack of understanding of the child’s need’…We normally don’t express us in such terms if we don’t believe that it was a major shortcoming of the proposal.  Our lack of knowledge of how a child is impacted by being reared by two parent of the same sex is a big problem.  We have opted to assume the child’s perspective since there is insufficient knowledge in research based on the evidence.  Of course it’s a moral dilemma but we must not experiment on children.  If we had known for sure that the children would not be exposed to unnecessary risks, then it would have been different. But the children cannot speak up for themselves.

For a look at the original text in Swedish click here (file size: 968 k)